Friday, March 7, 2014


I found in my old room a book that was sticking out at the top of my bookshelf with its brightly-colored cover. It was the one that sparked my interest to rediscover my faith and embark on my spiritual journey last year. I snatched it, leafed through the pages and found plenty of highlighted lines and bookmarked pages but what caught my eye was a note I made at the bottom of a page.

I remember jotting down the note as a summary of the previous chapter of the book, an insight that I was so amazed I pieced up. At that time, it may have been just that: a summary, a scribble, a note to self. Now, after the many things that has happened since I picked up that book, I can attest with all confidence the value that is revealed in that line.
Many of us seek happiness, but it is joy - happiness in God, that we truly long for.
Sunset at Mt. Gulugod Baboy with Lingkod Manila

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