It's wonderful to appreciate a person based on your encounter of him and how he interacts with you. There's a deeper appreciation, however, when you know the life of that person - what he's been through and what he has overcome, and take that in mind when you speak with him face to face. Yet, there's even a marvelous experience of just looking at the person's life as a whole - up until his very last breath, and understanding how his life has made a difference in the people around him and even to you. Many times we take on this lens when we look back and recall the life of a loved one who has just left us. I was delighted to take on this lens when I read the book of Matthew.
NO. The Gospel of Matthew does not take long to read. I read it in my free hours in the evening after work just as how some people can devour a half of a book of Harry Potter in one sitting. Boy, the experience is wonderful! I picked out a translation of the Bible which was easy to read and understand (and Catholic of course) - the Good News translation.
Reading the entirety of Matthew's story of Jesus brought me so much joy! Here are a few of my discoveries when I finished reading the Gospel:
- I was amazed to read some stories which I was not familiar or I didn't hear of before. One example was how Pilate's wife sent a message to him to have nothing to do with Jesus because she was disturbed about him in her dream.
- Jesus really did use a lot of parables when he taught. He had a lot of parables for the Kingdom of Heaven. He even taught the disciples the hidden meaning behind many of the stories for them to be able to understand.
- Matthew's story mentions a lot of Jesus's teachings He preached to thousands of followers on a mountain. They were a joy to read. Most of them taught the disciples what it really means to worship and love the Lord.
- The progression of the story is just like any other story you would read in novels. Jesus's ministry, the tension of the Jewish teachers plotting against Him, leading to the climax of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection - it is a life-changing story!
- My curiosity has grown for the many symbols and stories Jesus repeated in His teachings. I'll probably go back to read them later on for a deeper understanding - the fig tree, children, parables of the sower, servants working in the vineyard.
What I want to ultimately share is this: it is impossible not to know Jesus and His Father's love for us. One only has to read any of the Gospels.
The last line of the Gospel struck a chord in my heart. It is very poignant and very empowering:
My dear reader, I URGE you: read the Gospels! Start with Mark if you want to start with a shorter story of Jesus's life. Pick up a translation that is easy for you to read (but is true to the original text). Read and devour the life of our Lord, our Savior, and Friend. God be with you.
The last line of the Gospel struck a chord in my heart. It is very poignant and very empowering:
"I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end f the age."
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