Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I read Matthew's story and was hooked

I started writing an entry about how I ended up reading the Gospel of Matthew in a couple of days, but I'll reserve that story another time. What I want to share with you in this entry is the joy of reading the story of Jesus Christ, THE Jesus Christ, my Jesus Christ, as how Matthew recounted it.

It's wonderful to appreciate a person based on your encounter of him and how he interacts with you. There's a deeper appreciation, however, when you know the life of that person - what he's been through and what he has overcome, and take that in mind when you speak with him face to face. Yet, there's even a marvelous experience of just looking at the person's life as a whole - up until his very last breath, and understanding how his life has made a difference in the people around him and even to you. Many times we take on this lens when we look back and recall the life of a loved one who has just left us. I was delighted to take on this lens when I read the book of Matthew.

NO. The Gospel of Matthew does not take long to read. I read it in my free hours in the evening after work just as how some people can devour a half of a book of Harry Potter in one sitting. Boy, the experience is wonderful! I picked out a translation of the Bible which was easy to read and understand (and Catholic of course) - the Good News translation.

Reading the entirety of Matthew's story of Jesus brought me so much joy! Here are a few of my discoveries when I finished reading the Gospel:
  1. I was amazed to read some stories which I was not familiar or I didn't hear of before. One example was how Pilate's wife sent a message to him to have nothing to do with Jesus because she was disturbed about him in her dream.
  2. Jesus really did use a lot of parables when he taught. He had a lot of parables for the Kingdom of Heaven. He even taught the disciples the hidden meaning behind many of the stories for them to be able to understand.
  3. Matthew's story mentions a lot of Jesus's teachings He preached to thousands of followers on a mountain. They were a joy to read. Most of them taught the disciples what it really means to worship and love the Lord.
  4. The progression of the story is just like any other story you would read in novels. Jesus's ministry, the tension of the Jewish teachers plotting against Him, leading to the climax of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection - it is a life-changing story!
  5. My curiosity has grown for the many symbols and stories Jesus repeated in His teachings. I'll probably go back to read them later on for a deeper understanding - the fig tree, children, parables of the sower, servants working in the vineyard.
What I want to ultimately share is this: it is impossible not to know Jesus and His Father's love for us. One only has to read any of the Gospels.

The last line of the Gospel struck a chord in my heart. It is very poignant and very empowering:
"I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end f the age."

My dear reader, I URGE you: read the Gospels! Start with Mark if you want to start with a shorter story of Jesus's life. Pick up a translation that is easy for you to read (but is true to the original text). Read and devour the life of our Lord, our Savior, and Friend. God be with you.

Monday, August 21, 2017

the Divine time

I remember in my earlier posts in this blog I was concerned with establishing a good reader base. I wanted to craft messages that were palatable to a lot of my peers. Mainly, I wanted the message I wanted to convey to reach a lot of people. That message was the Good News of Jesus Christ. Looking back, it's ironic how this blog has become stagnant with the very approach I started this blog.

The intention of this blog will not change. I cannot assure, also, that the frequency and the activity will change from the previous months. The disposition, however, is something that I want to change. I want to make this blog as something of an open journal - one I can frequently go to as part of my journey with Christ. It is my hope that I am able to write more frequently. It is my desire that many people join me in this journey. Let me begin with the short entry below. Cheers to many more adventures!


In Genesis, when the LORD created heaven and earth (which meant everything!), he also created light and separated it from darkness. That was the creation of time. I want to surface those two truths in this part of the creation story - that God is a God of Order, and the God of Time. In the succeeding 'days' of creation, God, with a vision and purpose in mind, appointed things in the right order, in accordance with His appointed time.

This week, and in the weeks to come, I wish to immerse myself in these truths. I have been reading many materials, understanding and listening to the Lord in Scriptures. However, I would like to delve more on how the Lord guides and reveals Himself as the God of Order and Time as I follow faithfully the order of readings set by the Catholic Church lectionary.

What's new? I read the Gospel every day anyway. In recent months, I've been using other devotions in my readings. I hope to read the Gospel a day in advance - this way I can internalize more what the LORD has in store for me the following day. I also hope to look at the week and months in light of the Liturgical arrangement set by the Traditions of our Church. God be with me as I set out in this adventure to know Him more.

Feel free to reach me if you want to know more of my plans and how you can take this on as well. I'll drop by as often as I can to share with you some of my experiences. I hope my posts can encourage you to level up your relationship with our LORD and Savior.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

grace of joy

There are those days when you just wake up like any other day. You go through the motions. Those days sometimes you haven't even set dedicated time to the LORD yet and speaking to Him, just prayers here and there recognizing His goodness. Yet at some point, you just feel uplifted, happy, and joyful. You want to listen to cheerful melodies, song after song after song. You want to sing along with these songs, smiling and shaking your head as you do. You want to share these songs to people, share the joy, and tell people how much you're happy to have them.

No words can explain these things, but a psalm comes in to mind: This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! 

Oh, how wonderful the LORD is for granting us this life to experience His goodness!