Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Who am I?

Sunday mornings, sunrise, mountains, rice terraces, waterfalls, running, avocado, hot cup of tablea chocolate on a cold night, rainy days, grilled bangus, mangoes, mango float, mango bene, leche flan, chat over hot vanilla with good ol' friends, inun-unang isda, dark chocolate, hot piaya, spicy tuna tomato pasta, that refreshing ice cold beer down the throat on a hot summer day, the smell of sautéed garlic in the morning, the stress relieving feel and sound when ripping paper, the feel of warm sand between your toes, a good book on a rainy night, screwball comedy, classics, behavioral psychology, non-fiction, foreign films, jazz, soul, harmonica, acoustic guitar ballads, and marshmallows - they're all my cup o' mint tea.

Breathtaking view of the Banaue Rice Terraces
Today I was reminded of a question that led me to an awesome realization in life, "Who am I?"
Who am I to have been given the chance to see, smell, taste, touch, hear, and experience life?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grace and an open heart

I'm glad a few of my good friends still bug me to write in this blog. No, this blog is not coterminous with Lent. Yes, I still continue to post my reflections, though not always in this medium. I understand not all are my friends in Facebook so here it goes! I have a few posts pending completion especially in conclusion to the Lenten season which started this blog. Yes, Happy Easter! (Rest assured, that Easter post is in the pipeline!)

Celebrating Easter, we rejoice in the greatness of our God reveling in His resurrection. We are grateful for His goodness for who are we that He laid down His Son's life for us? As the psalmist says, "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Ps 8:4)"

Yet we continue to fall, all of us who celebrate His glory and wonders. Yet many still do not believe this as well.

What more do we need for us to believe? Even the angel of light saw the Lord in all His glory and fell. It is by His Grace that we are saved and it is by our hearts opened wide for His Grace that we will continue to be saved.

Grace and an open heart. These I pray for all of us today.

Majestic Tree by Jessica Bader
"You have believed because you have seen me.
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."
John 20:29

Saturday, April 19, 2014

In this hope we are saved

Let us hope in a life free from the bondage of sin and worldly pleasures - a life with Christ in His kingdom. In despair, trapped by worldly things - fame, lust, sloth, and many others, let us long for the day when these will no longer bother and enslave us.

(Romans 8:24-25)

Friday, April 11, 2014

on failing commitments

There are times when we fail our commitments. As much as we live up to our commitments and really move heaven and earth to fulfill them, there are times when we just fall short.

I can definitely say that I've probably failed in my commitment to regularly post on this blog. Although I made some provisions in that commitment to technically leave me scot-free, then again, who am I really fooling but myself!

Don't get me wrong. I do not intend to continue with this post advocating that it's okay to forego commitments and knowingly allow ourselves to fail them. If one makes a commitment, it should be valued and fulfilled. As its etymology points out: com as to bring together and mittere, same as in mission,  as to put or to send, a commitment is bringing all of one's being to fulfill a purpose or objective. What I want to focus, however, is what one should be wary of when making one and failing it.

Human as we are, we fail. This reality of failure is a splash of cold water that just freezes us dead in our tracks. After all, if one really valued a commitment that was made, failing it is charged against one's whole being that was put together and thrown to fulfill a purpose. This paralysis is dangerous. It not only stops us from picking up ourselves and making up for the commitment that we've failed, but it also sometimes lead us to a downward spiral of just not caring about what we committed to in the first place.

Here are a few things that I have come to reflect as I struggled within myself to type up a post and break the not-so-fruitful fast in blog posting:

1. I am not alone in my commitment. A commitment is never isolated. Even if one says that it is just a commitment to oneself, it is still a commitment to the persons one interacts with day by day. A commitment to get better at small talk, for example, is a commitment to build new and strengthen current relationships. You owe it to these persons to live up to your commitment and you can bet that if given the opportunity, they would support you with it. You only have to tell them!

It is by experience that I tell you that it is hard to fulfill a commitment when I just keep it to myself. I started this blog knowing that; hence I shared it with a few people whom I knew would push me at times like these to just write and come up with a new post.

2. There is a reason why I made the commitment. Sometimes I make a list of commitments and after a period of time wonder why I was working my way through them one at a time, failing them. For one, I look at my list and I realize it's just impossible to fulfill all of them. One can only do so much. It simply takes humility to be aware one's limitations - if only we we're made to run on batteries and just switch them with new ones once they run out!

Another thing is that when looking at the list and running my life by the items on the list, sometimes my day just becomes a checklist of things that I've done and not done. What happens is that I forget the main reasons why I even came up with those commitments. Going back to the values you hold dear is crucial as they would be your reference point when your commitments are challenged or when they conflict each other. What is important is to go back to the essentials.

When I made the commitment to regularly post in this blog, I made all the conscious effort to adjust my schedule and really allot time for me to draft a post. It cannot be avoidable, however, that these plans will be challenged as other things press on - truthfully essential personal reasons and commitments. During those times, I was consciously aware I was failing my commitment to blog (also thanks to the people in my support group) and when I got the opportunity, got back to it again - grateful as well with the realizations that I just had to share it in this comeback post.

3. I am a work in progress. Again, I truly believe that commitments should be valued and held on to. It is hard to find persons of character these days. Even these persons of characters would experience failures. What is noteworthy is how these persons would acknowledge their failures against the commitment they have made and collect themselves again, ready to recommit and cement their word another time around.

I am fortunate to be surrounded with these persons of character whom I interact with daily. I draw inspiration and most importantly support from them in developing the virtue of living up to my commitments.

We have our reasons when we commit to something. The reason why we make commitments is to build our character and make a purposeful impact in the worlds we are living in. Making a dent in the world we want to be in requires sharing these commitments with persons equally fired up and committed to the same purpose. Personally, more than just the people around me, I draw strength to live out my committed Christian life from the One True Source.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the River

I cannot fully express my reflection on the Scriptures for today in writing so I attempted to look for a graphic rendering of my emotions. I'm grateful to have stumbled upon the poem below.

As River Flows
by Peter Duggan

As river flows so peacefully
I sit here just content to be
As Ravens flow so high above
This morning, it was made for love
It enters deep into my soul
It's sweetness making me so whole
This softest morning mystery
Oh, how it reaches out to me

The trees, they dance so gracefully
They wave, and flow upon the breeze
Bird song drifts from happy branches
Oh lord, how this my heart enhances
Silence rules above all this
A kind of stillness filled with bliss
Captivates my very core
Oh, I'd not wish for any more. 

The river peaceful, calm and still
So wonderful it makes me feel
As it reflects those dancing trees
I watch and let the morning breeze
Caress my skin so tenderly
Then all is gone, there's only me
The emptiness of all that is
I'm sailing on the waves of bliss. 

The river is life. From the source, it flows down to the seas giving life to luscious vegetation along the way. To be separated from it would mean scarcity - a struggling existence, even death. To be beside it is life! (Ezekiel 47:12)