Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the River

I cannot fully express my reflection on the Scriptures for today in writing so I attempted to look for a graphic rendering of my emotions. I'm grateful to have stumbled upon the poem below.

As River Flows
by Peter Duggan

As river flows so peacefully
I sit here just content to be
As Ravens flow so high above
This morning, it was made for love
It enters deep into my soul
It's sweetness making me so whole
This softest morning mystery
Oh, how it reaches out to me

The trees, they dance so gracefully
They wave, and flow upon the breeze
Bird song drifts from happy branches
Oh lord, how this my heart enhances
Silence rules above all this
A kind of stillness filled with bliss
Captivates my very core
Oh, I'd not wish for any more. 

The river peaceful, calm and still
So wonderful it makes me feel
As it reflects those dancing trees
I watch and let the morning breeze
Caress my skin so tenderly
Then all is gone, there's only me
The emptiness of all that is
I'm sailing on the waves of bliss. 

The river is life. From the source, it flows down to the seas giving life to luscious vegetation along the way. To be separated from it would mean scarcity - a struggling existence, even death. To be beside it is life! (Ezekiel 47:12)

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