Monday, March 10, 2014


The word may be so-two-years-ago late but I just couldn't help it! I will not anymore attempt to describe and define the "battle cry of a generation," as a song says. It would be overkill; just look up all the materials online. Here are a few things, however, that were complemented by the 'wisdom' behind the word, in a different sense: 
  1. We are meant for eternity. As a believer and follower of Christ, I hold fast to the truth that we are souls with bodies and not the other way around. We will die in the physical sense, but we will still live on and this is when we hope to see Him who made us. We only live once, but this life does not end with death for death was conquered.
  2. The choice is ours. The kind of life we choose to lead now will have consequences that determine our future. Yes, there are consequences (as opposed to having none if our lives ended with death) and the consequences are real. We live only once and the kind of life we choose to follow will determine where we will be in the future - in the kingdom of light or in the kingdom of darkness. 
  3. We have to take the leap. There is a trap we should be wary of, as Kierkegaard raised, when we spend too much time just thinking and defining our faith. As in the parable of the separation of goats and sheep (Mt 25:31-46), we are reminded that in the end, we are accountable not only for our wrongdoings, but also for the good we fail to do. With our faith and the Truth we accept, there has to be a sense of urgency and we have to take action. This aspect we can strongly borrow from YOLO where we should be compelled to throw ourselves and risk everything to tread the path we have chosen - hopefully the path of love!

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